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Somatic Mindful Guided Imagery®

A Revolutionary Approach to Heal the Hidden Drivers of Your Suffering

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Dr. Sam Rhame

Chiropractic & SMGI®

For 20+ years, Dr. Sam has walked the path towards radiant health with thousands of people. When you work with her, you are simultaneously working with a:

  • Doctor of Chiropractic

  • Somatic Trauma Healing Practitioner with SMGI®

  • Mind-Body Mentor & Inner Journey Guide

  • Zach Bush, MD certified Health Coach

  • Certified Life Coach

  • Neurofeedback (brain wave training) Practitioner

  • Microcurrent & Frequency Therapy Specialist

  • Cellular Detoxification Facilitator

  • Ketogenic Lifestyle Trainer

  • Lover of the deep self

  • Eternal student of the inherent alliance between body, mind & soul

“The disharmony of our time is our disconnection from our true selves, our disconnection from the awareness that we are all interconnected within the sacredness of all that is. The work to reconnect with our true selves, our deeper selves is, of course, inner work. It's work that can be done by accessing the vast resources within your subconscious.


Connecting with your subconscious through Somatic Mindful Guided Imagery® is a beautiful and highly effective way to achieve the change that you seek.” ~ Dr. Sam Rhame



Somatic Mindful Guided Imagery

SMGI® combines interactive hypnotherapy with inner journey work to change what you want to change by working with the power of your subconscious.


Dr. Sam is known for being a very present healer. Each treatment is individualized based on what you need the day you come in.

Results always include:
~ less pain ~
~ better range of motion ~
~ better flexibility ~
~ more energy and well-being ~

Working with Dr. Sam changed my life. The source of deep anxiety that told me I had to keep moving is gone. My whole insides are newly calm. For the first time in years, I trust the answers inside me instead of second-guessing myself or looking outside of myself for answers.  ~ Kathleen L.
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